I had the pleasure of working with Sharone for 7 months and it was transformative for me. Both mentally and physically.

I knew the basics of what it meant to lose weight: burn more calories than you consume in a 24-hour period and do it consistently over time. Seems simple. But over the years, the diet industry had really gotten into my head so much that it was hard for me to really know what to do. The diet industry is constantly filling our heads with do’s and don’ts, and almost none of it is evidence-based.

Sharone guided me in making sustainable lifestyle changes to better my health. With Sharone, I was able to learn the truth about how to eat and care for myself versus the dogmatic lies of diet culture.

One of the things that I appreciated about working with Sharone is that there was no shaming, ever. She was always supportive and guided me in understanding why I was extra hungry at times or why I made a choice that wasn’t ideal.

Another great thing about working with Sharone is that while she was there to support me a hundred percent, she wasn’t going to do the work for me. At one point I asked her to give me a meal plan. She responded to my request by explaining why she didn’t feel like that was ideal and guided me into strategies to help myself eat better throughout the week. This was more empowering to me than any meal plan could ever hope to be. A meal plan will help you lose weight, strategies help you change your life.

There are too many weight loss programs out there that are highly structured. While people are able to be successful in these programs, once they end, people are often left feeling like they don’t know how to manage a healthy lifestyle outside of these really rigid programs. And on another note, if it’s really rigid, is it really good for our mental health?

Before working with Sharone, I felt really overwhelmed and I felt like it was not really possible for me to lose weight. After working with Sharone, I came to realize that managing my weight was actually quite easy and not nearly as challenging as I had thought.

I can now quickly discriminate between health claims that are just gimmicky advertising versus what is truly a healthy lifestyle choice.

I also felt comforted in the fact that no matter what Sharone and I were doing, my mental health was the biggest priority.

My biggest takeaway from this whole experience is that now I am empowered to take the best possible care of my body. I have completely transformed my relationship with food. I no longer feel shame. I am no longer gullible to trendy diets and products.

I lost about 46 lbs in the 7 months that I worked with Sharone. It’s certainly nice to look better in my clothes, but my biggest takeaway from this experience is having better physical health, mental health, and having a fantastic relationship with food.